S-4 Supply Request
Utilize this page to schedule all necessary appointments with supply. That includes and is not limited to:
- Individual Supply Requests
- Specialty Teams
- Lead Lab Support
The scheduling calendar is located at the bottom of this page. Please fill out all relevant information in the title/description (including contact information). You must be logged in to your U of MN account or Google account to schedule an appointment. Your appointment is not guaranteed until you receive a confirmation email. Walk-in hours are 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM on Friday only. Please contact the Cadet S4 or Supply Technician/Officer to request a time outside the indicated supply appointments.
Individual Request
Please schedule an appointment immediately if you have lost a piece of clothing/equipment. If you are deficient in a specific item, please do not wait until the day before the event. If you are an SMP cadet with a Reserve/ National Guard Unit, your unit is responsible for supporting your equipment issue, with certain exceptions such as a compass.
Specialty Teams
Gear requests are to be put in at minimum one week in advance. If lodging, car rental, or commercial food purchase is required, an internal purchase order must be filled out and turned into the Cadet S4 for approval by Cadre Executive Officer.
Lead Lab Support
On the right-hand side are documents that should be utilized to support your operations. Please ensure you have a plan and personnel to draw and return your gear. Lead Lab OICs must send in a supply request NLT one week in advance. If MREs are needed, an email/request must be sent to the S4 (45 days for MREs and 90 days for hot meals supplied by the dining facility) before the scheduled event to procure the appropriate amount of meals to support your mission. Additional supplies not on hand with ROTC can be requested through an internal purchase order.